
This web site is intended to provide basic information about selected legal topics. Therefore, the information contained on this Web site is necessarily general in nature. This web site, therefore, does not provide legal advice. It is provided solely for informational purposes.

Viewing this web site, or exchanging email with me, does not create a business and professional relationship between you and me. No attorney-client relationship will be created with the Kaufman Law Office without a formal, written legal services agreement. I am admitted to practice law only in the state of Maryland, the Commonwealth of Virginia and Washington, D.C.

If you have a specific legal question, you should consult an attorney to obtain advice tailored to your specific situation. Each person’s legal needs are unique. Laws change frequently, and it is possible that some of the information at this site may no longer be true when you read it, or it may not apply to someone in your jurisdiction.

You should not make the decision about hiring an attorney or law office to represent you solely based upon brochures, a web site or other advertising.

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You should avoid communicating confidential or sensitive information by email, because the confidentiality of the communication cannot be guaranteed, unless you are willing to assume this risk.